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CE 201 (Morris)

Research guide with information and tips supporting the coursework in Isabel Morris's CE 201 class for Fall 2021

Welcome to the CE 201 (Morris) LibGuide

This guide is designed to support your coursework in CE 201 (Materials, Properties, and Testing). Throughout this guide, you will learn about databases, books, other online sources, and recommended research strategies.

Skeen Library has many other resources available for your research, and I'm happy to arrange research consultations if you have trouble finding what you need (or just need to talk your process through with someone). Don't hesitate to contact me with questions or resource recommendations either! You can find my contact information (including the link to schedule a meeting) on the left-hand side of this page.

Here are some good places to start your research

NOTE: Your library account and password are separate from your BanWeb account and your Academic Lab Login for ITC computers.

  1. If you've never accessed your library account before (or are a new Techie), click here, then select Set/reset password;
  2. Enter your Banner ID (900#);
  3. An email will be sent to your NMT email address, prompting you to create a password;
  4. Once you have created a password, you are now able to access Skeen Library's online resources on- and off-campus.

If you are new to NMT, your library account may not be activated yet. Follow the steps above to activate your account and gain access to our online resources. If you need further assistance, please email us.

NMT Skeen Library


801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM 87801


(575) 835-5614