Google Scholar allows users to affiliate with a university. Creating this affiliation allows people searching in Google Scholar to easily obtain the full text of articles and other electronic materials licensed by a university, generally by the university library. Once you have configured Google Scholar for affiliation with New Mexico Tech, Google Scholar offers a link in the results list to Find full text at NMT for items that can be accessed via Skeen Library. Off-campus access to these items is limited to current NMT students, faculty, and staff. You will only need to select the New Mexico Tech link in the Google Scholar settings once for each computer that you use.
1. Starting at the Google Scholar homepage, click on the menu icon in the upper left and select Settings.

2. When you are on the Scholar Settings page, click Library links in the left menu.

3. Type New Mexico Tech into the search box. Check the box next to New Mexico Tech - Find Full Text at NMT and New Mexico Tech - Proquest Fulltext.
4. Next, search for WorldCat. Check the box Open WorldCat - Library Search to help you locate many items in the library's collection.
5. Save your settings.