makes it incredibly easy to find and retrieve items with DOI or PMID identifiers.
Simply put in a DOI or PMID into the search bar and will very quickly present format options (PDF or Article Link or both) for that particular item. Using allows researchers to focus on content rather than worrying about choosing databases or navigating publisher pages.
Some other unique highlights of the result page:

- A - You know that you are linked up to NMT's holdings
- B - Easy ability to lookup another article immediately directly from
- C - Automatically remember format choice - A great option if you want to go directly to the PDF or Article Link whenever possible for the next 24 hours. You can check this box before choosing a format option and LibKey will remember the choice in your browser. This produces a lightening fast resolution to full text!
- D - Discover More - Many articles can also be viewed in their originally published context via BrowZine and this one-click link option will appear in those cases so you can get a holistic view of the article and the publication.
- E - Trouble? If links aren't resolving right it may be helpful to check the link resolver for all access options. Clicking here will show all available sources via your link resolver.