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Department of Information Technology

This guide will get you started with links to books, articles, websites and more about information technology

Why websites?

Websites provide up-to-the-minute news, information, and coverage about current events, trends, and controversial topics. They may also contain government publications such as reports, statistics, legislation and service information. Websites also provide access to interviews, newspaper articles, research reports, conference/workshop/symposium information and papers, maps, and more.

Use these good search habits to find high quality, authoritative, and reliable sources in your Google searches:

  1. Limit your search by domain. For example, add site: before a domain, such as .gov or .edu
    • Remember: a Google search for just cybersecurity will yield millions of results--many of which aren't reputable
    • ​Example search: cybersecurity


  2. Use Google Scholar when searching for scholarly, peer-reviewed articles.
  3. Once you locate your desired result, use the information listed to help you create a citation, see who else has cited the articlefind related articles, view additional versions, find it in other databases, or get the full text from the library.

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