When it comes to evaluating information, determining the authority and bias of a source is crucial. Knowing a source's authority (who wrote it? who published it? where did you find it?) and bias (what is its purpose? is it trying to sell you something? is it trying to change your mind?) plays a key role in determining whether or not you decide to use the source, or find a different one.
Watch the videos below on authority and bias.
What is Authority? (Credo Video)This video will discuss what authority is and how it
relates to your research paper, how to properly cite authoritative sources to avoid committing plagiarism, and how to critically evaluate authoritative information and develop your information literacy skills.
Introduction to Bias (Credo Video)It’s important to be aware of biases when evaluating your own responses to sources and
situations, and when examining the reasoning and arguments of others. This video will give you a brief introduction to different kinds of biases.
Types of Bias (Credo Video)This video will help you spot the varieties of bias so you can identify it in yourself
and others.
Now, take this quiz on bias to test your knowledge.