Now that you have a file (or several!) to upload, head over to Select the Login or Sign up option at the top of the page. If you already have a Github account or ORCID ID, you can use those credentials to login to Zenodo.
Once you're logged in, select Upload at the top of the page. You'll be directed to a new page, where you can select New Upload.
Thankfully, the upload process is straightforward. The key is to include as much valid metadata with your upload as possible. This will increase your dataset's findability and usability.
NMT's institutional repository is divided into three Zenodo "communities," which essentially act as collections. The three communities are:
Clicking the links above will take you directly to the community's landing page, and if you are signed in to Zenodo, you will be able to click the green box that say "New upload." Follow the directions below, and once your upload is complete, Skeen Library staff will receive an alert that your upload is pending. At this point a decision will be made whether to accept or reject your upload (for example, you may have uploaded something to the Archives community but it's more appropriate for the Research community). If your upload is rejected, it will still be available on Zenodo, just not in the community. In cases where an upload is rejected, library staff will work with you to determine the best community for your upload.
Start the upload process by selecting (or dragging and dropping) the file(s) you plan to upload. After selecting the files, click the Start upload button in the top right corner of the box.
The next section prompts you to select the format of your upload. Your selection will depent on the type of data. Are you uploading a peer-reviewed article or thesis? In that case, you would select "publication." If you are uploading raw data, "dataset" would be a better option.
The next section asks you to fill in basic information about your upload. Fill in as much as possible, including:
Next, you will need to select access rights and a license for your dataset. The options you select will depend on what you would like to allow others to do with your data. For example, if you would like to allow others to access and/or use your work without asking permission first, we suggest selecting Open Access and an appropriate license. Selecting Open Access also gives your upload higher visibility within Zenodo.
The four types of access rights are described below:
Use the section on Related/alternate identifiers to link your upload to other related works. For example, if you have published an article related to the dataset you are uploading, you may want to include that work's DOI and select the appropriate relationship from the dropdown menu. If you don't have a DOI, you can include the URL instead. Linking to other works is a good idea; it helps increase the visibility of both your work and any related work.
If there are individuals who contributed to the work, but are not listed as authors in the Basic Information section, you can add them as contributors, and note their role.
Depending on the type of work you are uploading, you should add the relevant information under the appropriate section (Journal, Conference, Book/Report/Chapter, Thesis). If you have references you want to list, you can do that as well.
Finally, you can add subjects related to your upload. Depending on your discipline or field of study, the taxonomy or controlled vocabulary may vary. Our librarians are also happy to assist you with assigning subjects.
Now that you have completed the record, you are ready to publish. Double check to make sure you have filled everything out, then click the Save button (which is located both at the bottom and top of the page). Once saved, click Publish.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact library staff at
This step-by-step guide has been adapted from the Wolbach Library at the Center for Astrophysics.