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Engage the World

Information on Skeen Library's Engage the World series


In November 2019, retiring professor of Spanish and Hispanic Studies, Dr. Rafael Lara-Martinez (CLASS Department, NMT), gave a presentation on the migrant crisis, which he examined through the lens of Central American literature.

Migrants as Ghosts

The causes for displacement of Central American migrants are numerous. The privatization of land and production of commodities such as coffee, bananas, and sugar cane. Soaring unemployment. Reduced compensation. Political turmoil. Violence against marginalized populations (particularly women). Organized crime. All of these factors have provoked a continuous flow of migrants to the north.

In this final Engage the World presentation for Fall 2019, retiring NMT Tech Professor Rafael Lara-Martinez will offer a native perspective on a current crisis by reading a Honduran poem and a Nahuat myth from El Salvador.

NMT Skeen Library


801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM 87801


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