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Engage the World

Information on Skeen Library's Engage the World series


In October 2019, Skeen Library was proud to host a speaker from NMT's neighbor, the NRAO. Summer Ash gave an engaging presentation on the NRAO's origins and its involvement in the community.

Radio Astronomy in the Neighborhood

Constructed in the 1970's, the Very Large Array (VLA) is one of the world's premier radio observatories and the most scientifically productive ground-based telescope ever. This month, Summer Ash, Senior STEAM Education Specialist at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), will give a brief history of the VLA, discuss the role it has played in advancing our knowledge of the Universe, and provide an overview of the local education and public outreach programs in which NRAO is involved.

In addition to her background in mechanical and aerospace engineering and astrophysics, Summer is also a freelance science writing. Her work has appeared in The AtlanticScientific AmericanSky & Telescope, and other publications.

NMT Skeen Library


801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM 87801


(575) 835-5614