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Engage the World

Information on Skeen Library's Engage the World series


In March 2020, Dr. Nick Kelly (Assistant Professor of English at NMT), took attendees on a spirited tour to where information, art, popular culture, and digital technologies intersect and how they influence and affect not only each other, but the world we live in.

State of the Art: How Art and Popular Culture Have Shaped Digital Technologies (and Vice Versa)

Throughout the history of computing, there has been a dynamic feedback loop of mutual inspiration and influence between art, popular culture, and digital technologies. Films and works of science fiction have inspired the creation of new technologies and new uses of existing technologies. Similarly, emerging technologies have driven the creation of new works of art and culture which have speculated on the significance, promise, and dangers of new digital software and hardware. Dr. Nicholas Kelly, of NMT's CLASS department, will chart a brief history of how art, culture, and digital technologies have influenced one another in the late 20th century and early 21st century. Looking at computer games, virtual reality, and the phenomena of computer hacking/hacktivism as well as contemporary cybersecurtiy debates and discussions of a supposedly arriving techno-utopian future called "The Technological Singularity," this presentation will show how imagination and innovation have collaboratively shaped the present and the future of the digital world.

NMT Skeen Library


801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM 87801


(575) 835-5614